Monday, March 22, 2010

Who Said Nothing in Life is Free??

Now if this picture isn't inspiration to start clipping coups, I don't know what would be! All of these items were completely FREE! Now, when I hear the word free, something just comes over me. My friends and family members laugh because you don't even have to say another thing in a sentence, but if you just say, "Hey Heather, would you want this free..." YES! Don't bother finishing..because the answer is YES no matter what it is!!! So..wouldn't it be awesome if just through couponing you could get all of this for your own family, AND others in need, all without spending a dime? It's the greatest feeling in the world! Sometimes it is hard to make out everything in a picture so here is the breakdown:

(10) Packs of Buddig deli meat
(18) Snickers bars
(10) Boxes of Uncle Ben's Rice
(12) EAS Protein Bars
(5) Yoplait Greek Yogurts
(8) Packs of Kraft Cheese
(20) Cover Girl Cosmetics!!!!!!!!!! (That's the best one as some of these retailed at $9.50)

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